Vilík is our first friesian foal and he gained all our exeptations. He is very nice and friendly colt, that is calm and curious. He is used to spray, water, halter and he loves grooming and cuddling.
He should be more in classic type with huge neck and a lot of feathers.
Vilík has his new owner in Czech repulic and we hope to see them at shows in few years.
Breed: friesian horse
Inteelt (inbreeding): 0,98 %
Date of Birth: 8th June 2016
Full pedigree: Ster – Ster – Pref – Ster – Model+Pref
2016 – 3rd premium

5 měsíců

3 roky

2 roky

Few words about ancestors
Dam: Willemien Wealtsje W. Stb Ster (by Fridse 423 Sport)

Sire: Wolfert 467 Sport (by Felle 422 Sport)

WOLFERT 467 Sport
(Felle 422 Sport x Jakob 302 Sport)
Reserve Young Stallion Champion 2014
Wolfert was born in 2007 and has become the stud stallion in 2011. In 2016, his offspring will be tested.
He is 169 cm high with a low inbreeding coefficient of 1.56%.
Wolfert has a perfect rectangular body, long forelegs and dry limbs. The stallion has a strong skeleton and yet a sufficient amount of elegance. He is naturally well muscled and the legs are in the correct position. His mother comes from Stam 2, which dates back to 1896. This line is known for its size, quality, hardness and strength. Combined with Father Felle’s sports line, Wolfert offers an excellent basis for beautiful, talented and willingly working horses with good character.
Wolfert performed exceptionally well in the stallion performance test and excelled in his willingness to work, as well as his impressive hind legs in all three gaits. Its carrying and ease of movement are particularly noteworthy.
He passed the ABFP test with an incredible 92 points.
Wolfert je narozený v roce 2007 a uchovněný v roce 2011. V roce 2016 bude probíhat testace jeho potomstva.
Je vysoký 169 cm KVH s nízkým inbreeding koeficientem 1.56 %.
Wolfert má dokonalé obdélníkový tělo, dlouhé přední nohy a suché končetiny. Hřebec má silnou kostru a přesto dostatečné množství elegance. Je přirozeně dobře osvalený a nohy jsou ve správné pozici. Jeho matka pochází ze Stam 2, která sahá až do roku 1896. Tato linie je známá pro svou velikost, kvalitu, tvrdost a sílu. V kombinaci se sportovní linií otce Felleho, nabízí Wolfert vynikající základ pro krásné, talentované a ochotně pracující koně s dobrým charakterem.
Wolfert si v testu výkonnosti hřebců vedl výjimečně dobře a vynikal svou ochotu k práci, stejně jako působivoou činností zadních nohou ve všech třech chodech. Jeho nesení se a snadnost pohybu jsou zvláště pozoruhodné.
ABFP test absolvoval s neuvěřitelnými 92 body.